Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas with The Wilson's

Christmas with the Wilson's is a marathon! It started with the arrival of Aunt Manda on Friday night and ended when we arrived home from Columbia Monday night. Thankfully, we were able to spend the 25th at home in our jammies, and that was a special gift. We missed having Gaga & Big Daddy here, but loved seeing them in Columbia. We took a million pictures for them though! Shuler made our Christmas full of magic. He is growing up so fast and we are loving every minute with him!
Santa was very good to Shuler

So many toys, so little time!

Shuler loves having little toys like his Little People in his hands. He has been carrying these little guys around for a few days.

My new chair!

One of Shuler's latest developments: Can walk around pretty well with  a push toy. He now has 2, plus the dump truck, and he pushes them all over the place.

Aunt Manda! 

Wow! Gaga, this is a big present!

We had some visitors over Christmas...Cousins Barkley & Bernie!

Do you think our dogs are spoiled?

Shuler doesn't stay still for long, but this chair doubled as a great jungle gym!

This puppy was one of Shuler's Santa gifts. It sings and dances and apparently it looks like a little friend to Shuler. We got so tickled when he started hugging and loving on this little dog. We have about 20 minutes of video of this too, with us in the background going "What a sweet boy!"

Shuler has also learned his first word. He has been saying Mama & Dada for a while, but we aren't sure if he has a purpose for these words. In the last week, he has started waving and saying "bye bye" to everyone. He definitely knows what this one means. Sunday night, Shuler told me bye bye when I went to put him in his crib. This moment usually includes some fussing, so it took me by pleasant surprise. The funniest thing he did this weekend was on Monday when we were leaving the hospital. We had put him in his carseat and it was late, so he was super tired. Mom and I were talking and I guess Shuler was getting tired of listening to us because a few minutes later, he looked at Mom and said "bye bye." Got the message, kid!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas with the Wilson's

Merry Christmas, Round One! We had a lovely morning with Mimi & Grandad, as well as Aunt Manda, Uncle Brad, Aunt Kelly, Cousin Emma, and Uncle Josh. Shuler thinks that he might like this "Christmas" thing everyone keeps talking about :-)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Jason!

Happy Birthday to the best dad ever! It's not easy being the dad, but you are always here to make us smile and we sure love you for it. We love you, Jason!
First day home with our new addition...

Shuler loves you already!


Remember these nights? :-)