Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sleep & Giggles

Oh, Shuler, in the past 9 weeks you have continued to keep us on our toes. You are fascinated by anything that hangs above your head. We often find you in the mornings awake and smiling, waiting for someone to come play with you, which is quite a change from the grumpy little man we put to bed each night. You are so strong for such a little boy, putting weight on your legs and pushing yourself up every chance you get. We have stressed and stressed about your struggles with nap time and then on Sunday you decided to nap for hours. Is this a new trend you're starting? Only time will tell. Monday was your 2 month check-up and we were so proud of you. Dr. Hart said that you are a healthy little boy falling into the 50th percentile in all categories. You are now up to 12lbs (almost double your birth weight!) and 23 inches! And then the best surprise of all: While Dr. Hart was checking your little tummy, you started to laugh! We were all surprised that you are laughing already and so please to know your little ticklish trigger :-) We can't wait to watch you grow, and will make sure that as you do, you discover all of the little joys that life has to offer. We love you so much!

Hanging out with my Big Daddy at Death Valley

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