Friday, May 6, 2011

Hitting the Snooze

I try to keep these kinds of stories to myself, but the truth is that when you're as tired as parents of newborns are, you do some ridiculous things to get some sleep. So, here's the latest...
Shuler goes to bed around 9 and gets me up around 2am to eat. He goes back to sleep & gets up around 6 with Jason. Since Jason goes to work around 7:30, he will put Shuler in the pack-n-play next to me and wind up his mobile to give me a few minutes to wake up. I long ago figured out that the mobile will play for exactly 3 minutes (see where this is going?) So, one day I wound that mobile back up & laid back down...Smash cut to 2 weeks later and the dancing bears mobile is now the eqiuvalent of the snooze bar on an alarm clock.  Before you rush to the phone to call DSS and have them bust through the door, Shuler loves it!  He starts giggling as soon as he hears me click, click, click to wind it up.  This is followed by 3 minutes of "Rock-a-bye baby" that is the best sleep in the world.  I'm now up to 7 re-winds on the mobile before Shuler becomes bored and we get up to begin the next game of the morning: Breakfast!
Breakfast consists of me balancing a bowl of cereal on one knee & Shuler in my lap - it is amzing what you can learn to do with one hand. We watch "Saved by the Bell" together and he usually falls asleep...just like a little man. Ah the joys of motherhood... :-)

Daddy has learned this tactic too..

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